Ranger Made logo with pic axe

Johnna Johnson, owner of Mixed Company Kava House, came to our student-run manufacturing business Ranger Made, with an idea to utilize Ranger Made and create an updated sign for her business. Johnna has been meeting with our Ranger Made students and teachers since the middle of February to ensure correct sizing of the letters, correct font and correct placement of each letter. The students worked diligently on this project measuring, re-measuring, cutting and welding the pieces together. They did a phenomenal job at representing what Ranger Made is and what they can do throughout our community. 

Here is a video of the unveiling of the up-to-date sign. (make sure your sound is on)


Thank you, Johnna, for believing in and trusting our Ranger Made program! We are lucky to live in such a great community. Ranger Proud is what we are!