It's a shortened week next week, due to Parent-Teacher Conferences! Take a look at the week.

Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour before you go to sleep!

EVERY VOTE COUNTS. MAKE A PLAN TO VOTE. Find your early voting location here. https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/election-information
*You can vote in person at the Crow Wing County Courthouse tomorrow, November 4, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
#2023Referendum #VoteNov7

The title of the lab is Biomedical Engineering: Phototherapy. This lab allows students to play the role of a biomedical engineer. They learn about sunlight, and its characteristics, as well as some characteristics of the human body. Using this knowledge they will critically think in order to discover a treatment for Grover’s disease. Students are working through a virtual lab with researchers from Notre Dame and Boston University.

Ranger Made is in the process of prototyping a custom fire pit.
The students used CAD to design the individual sides, and programmed our CNC plasma table to cut them out.

Conceptual Physics and the CIS Physics class did a lab to predict the distance that a giant slingshot would shoot. Some classes worked indoors and others outdoors. #sciencerocks

Crosby-Ironton has a lot to offer! AND with our "It takes a COMMUNITY to build a RANGER" operating levy, we can offer so much more. Learn more about the question on the upcoming Nov. 7 ballot.

¡Feliz Día de Muertos!( Day of the Dead) Señora Dietz and Mrs. Hofmann are celebrating this important Mexican holiday today which honors and pays respect to loved ones who have died. This is a joyful time that helps people remember the deceased and celebrate their memory.

Eighth graders worked on identifying roles that students fill, when faced with team building challenges during Culture Shock. #teamwork

Our staff enjoyed dressing for the occasion today! Kindergarten and our Title I/WIN Team got into the spirit.

Our staff at CRES and the High School were in the spirit today!

Interested in Knowledge Bowl? 7-9th graders should fill out an application (located in the high school office) and turn in to Mrs. Thoennes (209) or Mrs. Syrstad (208) by November 15th.

Shawn, from Ya Sure Kombucha in Brainerd, came in to brew kombucha with Mr. Dirk's 7th graders last week. They learned of the process and even got to sample different flavors of kombucha. Thank you, Shawn, for coming to C-I!

Q. Does farm property receive some tax relief?
A. Yes, farm families pay school operating levies on 1 acre of property that includes the house and garage, not on all your property.

Take a peek at our Artist's of the Week!
Braylon Kannel, 7th grade Art- Comic Project
Gavin Hoyt and John Baker, 3D art- Stamp Mugs
Paul Severson, 8th grade Art- 2 point Perspective City

Unable to get to the polls on Nov. 7? You can vote early for this year’s election. Find out more on our Elections Page. https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/election-information
#2023Referendum #VoteNov7

School Pictures are Ready for 7th-12th grade!
View and order at https://shop.jostenspix.com/login
Event Code: FE102023
Also Needed: JMC Unique Student ID (This can be found on the midterm report card that was emailed)

Q: What if the referendum fails?
A: The district would have to reduce its annual budget by more than $1 million. The result could be increased class sizes and more. https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/faqs

The Joy Squad is back at CRES, delivering goodies to our staff!

Mrs. Duhn's class had a 🎃party! The kids painted a pumpkin, did a craft, made apple nachos, dissected a pumpkin, and explored if fall items would sink or float!