Our students have been busy in art...take a peek! Angel Ringhand- 12th grade, Watercolor Koi Fish, Painting Gage Serocki- 12th grade, Halloween Painting, Creative Crafts
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
koi fish painting
halloween painting
Who was your second grade teacher? #throwbackthursday
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
Throwback thursday
We have a supportive community, top-notch facilities, and a commitment to kids at Crosby-Ironton Schools. We were recently voted as the Best School District in the Lakes Area! Let’s keep our schools and community solid, stable and strong by voting on or before Nov. 7.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
all hands together
Huge shout-out to AutoSmith Service Group for donating jack stands, oil pans and a code reader! The Automotive class is putting it all to good use. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
students underneath a vehicle
yellow truck up on jacks
two students near tires of a yellow truck
It takes a community to build a Ranger! We have a lot to be proud of at Crosby-Ironton Schools. We were recently voted as the Best School District in the Lakes Area! This recognition highlights the commitment of our entire school community.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
RAnger ready, ranger strong, ranger made
Crosby-Ironton High School Picture Retake Day is TOMORROW, Tuesday, October 24th. Photographers will be available from 8am to 12:30pm. You can view pictures at Jostens.com using code FE102023. You will need your child's student ID number that can be found on the recent midterm report card.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
picture retake day
Here are our artist's of the week! Halle and Kaydence, 7th grade art: Name Design Owen, 8th grade art: 1-point perspective room Avari, 11th grade painting: Still-life acrylic painting Rayne Avelsgard 10th grade creative crafts: Colored pencil still-life
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
Halle and Kaydence name art
male holding a still life of a bed room
female holding a sketch in black and white
female holding a sketch in color pencil
Monday! Referendum Information Session (Zoom) Monday, October 23, 2023, 7 - 8 p.m. Held during the October School Board Meeting - The Zoom will begin at 7 p.m. Zoom participants will be given an opportunity to ask questions. The session will end promptly at 8 p.m. Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89678027124?pwd=g0lPEl1ISIgjOSeC5BWFPK1hKJJrQC.1 Meeting ID: 896 7802 7124 Passcode: 031797
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
Zoom at the school board meeting
Did you know? The proposed operating levy will be used to focus on high priority teaching and learning initiatives; continue investment in vocational and technical opportunities; and maintain college-prep at both middle and high school levels. #2023Referendum
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
did you know community levy referendum
Today is Unity Day, Wednesday, October 18, a day to wear and share orange as a visual representation or uniting for kindness, acceptance and inclusion to prevent bullying.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
group of students and adult ls wearing orange on unity day
Who knew macaroni noodles made great quotation marks and commas? Second graders in Ms. Stangel's class do!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
three female students working with noodles
three male students at desks
three femal students working on worksheets
two male students working with noodles
students sitting at desks with worksheets
October is MN Manufacturing Month! Shout-Out to our CTE teachers Mr. Wood and Mr. Schafbuch for their work with our Ranger Made program and CTE classes. Also, to our Robotics teachers Mr. Gindorff and Mr. Forsberg! #MNManufacturingMonth
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
october is mn manufacturing month
Early voting for the Nov. 7, 2023 referendum has started! Learn more about absentee, early voting, and election day voting options on our website, https://www.ci.k12.mn.us/o/cisd/page/election-information #2023Referendum #VoteNov7
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
your vote matters, register to vote
Reminder: Early dismissal Wednesday, October 18th and NO SCHOOL October 19th and 20th for MEA break!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
early dismissal and no school
Take a peek at our artist's of the week! Taytum Tisdell in Painting: Color Wheel Olivia Adams in Creative Crafts: Pop-Up Art Zoe Hamm in Independent Study: Dot Painting Chris Wolf and Ezra Jacobson in 8th grade Art: Still Life Charlotte Lacerte in 7th grade Art: Observation Study
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
a girl holding a color wheel painting
a girls with braids and a shark painting
a girl holding a dot painting of a pink bear
two boys holding  sketches of still life
a girl holding a sketch of a skull and pot
Kindergarten had the joy of visiting Gilby's Apple Orchard! A big thanks to CLEF and the Garrison Commercial Club for funding this fun fall trip!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
kids holding pumpkins and riding tractors
kids at an apple orchard holding pumpkins
Mr. Schafbuch's automotive class is learning a great life skill, how to change oil in vehicles!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
a student washing their hands full of oil
student laying underneath a vehicle changing the oil
We had some Twins fans show up yesterday at CRES!
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
student with big Twins necklace on
teaher and student in twins attire
Get your questions answered! Operating Referendum Informational Session Community Meeting. Join us Monday, October 16th, 2023, 6:00 p.m. in the Forum Room. Forum Room is located in the south entrance of the secondary school (across from the Dairy Queen).
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
october 16 calendar community meeting
Second graders in Mrs. Roubinek's class made coil pottery and enjoyed being modern day Michelangelo's by creating artwork under their desks! It was a fun day of learning and being creative.
over 1 year ago, Devan Bartels
students holding art they drew
students holding coiled pots